Actualmente en mi laptop en Chrome tengo varios perfiles (personal, trabajo y academico) y en la computadora de escritorio todo lo anterior lo tengo dividido en usuarios de Windows; cada uno con su propio correo electronico, asi que mi pregunta es ¿Esta extension funcionaria en este tipo de escenario o la licencia estaria ligada a un solo correo electronico?...
Ojala me puedan enviar esta informacion antes de proceder con la compra, de antemano agradezco la atencion a mi mensaje...
A: Hi, thanks for your question. Yes, if your computer is asleep when a reminder is scheduled to trigger then it will trigger once your computer is opened.
Q: I currently use Snooze Tabby, which is probably the best extension if this type.
The only reason I could see for buying this deal would be if you had 100% parity with Snooze Tabby AND offered the one feature that they don't, sychronization across devices and browsers.
Q: does reminders work when user not in browser?
i mean when I am in some other app will they still work?
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Q: Where do I go for support?
Hi, I purchased this and tried it out a few times but every reminder I set never worked. Who do I reach out to?
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Q: ¿Admite varios perfiles en el navegador?
Actualmente en mi laptop en Chrome tengo varios perfiles (personal, trabajo y academico) y en la computadora de escritorio todo lo anterior lo tengo dividido en usuarios de Windows; cada uno con su propio correo electronico, asi que mi pregunta es ¿Esta extension funcionaria en este tipo de escenario o la licencia estaria ligada a un solo correo electronico?...
Ojala me puedan enviar esta informacion antes de proceder con la compra, de antemano agradezco la atencion a mi mensaje...
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Q: What happens if I close the computer before the time was set to reactivate the tab?
Will the tab reopen when I turn the computer on again?
Jun 28, 2024A: Hi, thanks for your question. Yes, if your computer is asleep when a reminder is scheduled to trigger then it will trigger once your computer is opened.
Share Chrome Tab Reminder
Q: I currently use Snooze Tabby, which is probably the best extension if this type.
The only reason I could see for buying this deal would be if you had 100% parity with Snooze Tabby AND offered the one feature that they don't, sychronization across devices and browsers.
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