ContextMinds Questions

Showing 1 - 20 of 458 questions

Q: Please Explain How GPT Credits Are Used With an Example

Hi, really interested in this.
Can you please explain how the GPT credits work/used and provide an example?

FillipPLUSMar 9, 2025
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Q: Can't see subscription details

I am on tier 3, and when I log in, I can only see the "Get started mapping and drafting" page. There is no ContextMinds icon, profile, or subscription details available. Why is this happening?

srinijiPLUSMar 9, 2025
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Founder Team


Mar 9, 2025

A: Hi, if we understand correctly, you have just registered and logged into the application.This is a wizard that opens to all new users. Once you go through it, you will get to the next parts of ContextMinds, including settings, etc.


Q: Set credit quotas per workspace?

The highest tier doesn't have unlimited (fair-use) credits anymore. That's a bummer!

I like the functions around multi-user setup and the CNAME option. Can I set credit limits per workspace? So, that in theory they can be equally distributed or at least that one user doesn't consume all the credits and others have none left?

mrioPLUSMar 9, 2025
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Founder Team


Mar 9, 2025

A: That's right, even though we would love to give users as much freedom as possible, since the new features are so good it becomes easy to get carried away and spend a lot of credits, we decided we needed to put there some limits.

It is not possible to manage limits at the level of user or workspace yet but we definitely want to implement that in the future - you are not the first one asking...


Q: I have no idea how to make it stay in context

I'm trying to create a long novel using this but it continues to go out of track without referencing the correct personality, settings, or occupations, etc. of my characters. Do you have any demonstration on how to make this work better when I, for exmaple, generate a chapter outline?

herman925PLUSMar 9, 2025
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Founder Team


Mar 9, 2025

A: Contextminds is currently optimized for working with existing information and combining it with your ideas. Making it work also for writing fiction is one of the next steps.
Before we add some more native support, one feature that is already in the works could help you: as soon as we add support for uploading or pasting longer texts and making them part of the context, you could have a document...


Q: Specific Use case query...

My use case is specific. I need to be able to gather a large amount of information in one place and map it out. But I need to input my own information not one generated through Ai searches.

1) Does ContextMinds have the capabilities to upload Word Documents, Excel Spreadsheets, PDF's, etc. and analyze them into your Mindmaps whiteboard?

2) Do you have the ability to upload video URL's, analyze them into the whiteboard?

3) If you can't analyze the video, I can upload a Video transcription in the form of Word Doc, PDF, etc.

If this feature is not currently available, do you see these features coming anytime soon?

Thanks for your time!

BigScotsmanPLUSEdited Mar 8, 2025
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Founder Team


Mar 8, 2025

A: We are currently working on this feature - just for text documents, but it could be available in about a month.
