SuiteDash is not designed to have multiple separate entities/tenants in a single account. It's 1 account for 1 business/organization and the staff/clients of that business/organization.
For multiple separate brands/businesses, you'll need to have multiple separate accounts. We don't support multiple brands in one account. Truthfully, the White Labeling is so deeply integrated that it...
Hi there. I am considering getting in on your Tier 3.
Let's say in the future SuiteDash was not on AppSumo and I wanted to upgrade my account to have more memory. Move higher than 300GB, could I reach out to SuiteDash and make the upgrade and still remain within an LTD situation?
A: Hi there, see above in the "Deal Terms & Conditions" > Post campaign upgrade: One time payment of $199 for 100 GB additional storage. Post campaign upgrade: One time payment of $199 for 5 additional staff.
Q: My users and their access to other SuiteDash accounts
If I have a user logged in with lesser priviledges than admin and they have access to other SuiteDash accounts that I don't have access or control over, will they have a single login for all SuiteDash accounts they have access to?
No, they will experience what we call the Launchpad, which lets them choose which company they are logging into, and for security reasons, they will have a different password for each company. However, there is no validation to prevent them from using the same password in all the companies, but of course this is not best practice.
I build websites and sometimes am on a team with various, remote members and sort of teams within teams that might include a project manager, the client with their inhouse team members, remote graphics designers or video guy, etc.
I also might have to manage a totally different company that I would want to do white-labeled and some may be healthcare related who might need HIPAA compliance.
Can I manage all these with a single top-tier license?
SuiteDash is not designed to have multiple separate entities/tenants in a single account. It's 1 account for 1 business/organization and the staff/clients of that business/organization.
For multiple separate brands/businesses, you'll need to have multiple separate accounts. We don't support multiple brands in one account. Truthfully, the White Labeling is so deeply integrated that...
Q: If I'm running multiple businesses with different domains, do I need one account for each?
Jan 22, 2025A: Hi :)
SuiteDash is not designed to have multiple separate entities/tenants in a single account. It's 1 account for 1 business/organization and the staff/clients of that business/organization.
For multiple separate brands/businesses, you'll need to have multiple separate accounts. We don't support multiple brands in one account. Truthfully, the White Labeling is so deeply integrated that it...
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Thanks Mike!
Q: Can it also replace my team task management app? I am using nifty right now, do you have to do list features?
Can it also replace my team task management app? I am using nifty right now, do you have to do list features?
and tasks assignment and collaboration?
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Q: Upgrading Later
Hi there. I am considering getting in on your Tier 3.
Let's say in the future SuiteDash was not on AppSumo and I wanted to upgrade my account to have more memory. Move higher than 300GB, could I reach out to SuiteDash and make the upgrade and still remain within an LTD situation?
Thank you.
Jan 22, 2025A: Hi there, see above in the "Deal Terms & Conditions" > Post campaign upgrade: One time payment of $199 for 100 GB additional storage. Post campaign upgrade: One time payment of $199 for 5 additional staff.
LMK if any questions :)
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Q: My users and their access to other SuiteDash accounts
If I have a user logged in with lesser priviledges than admin and they have access to other SuiteDash accounts that I don't have access or control over, will they have a single login for all SuiteDash accounts they have access to?
Jan 22, 2025A: Hi Steve,
No, they will experience what we call the Launchpad, which lets them choose which company they are logging into, and for security reasons, they will have a different password for each company. However, there is no validation to prevent them from using the same password in all the companies, but of course this is not best practice.
Hope that helps!
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Q: Segregation of Teams and their Privacy
I build websites and sometimes am on a team with various, remote members and sort of teams within teams that might include a project manager, the client with their inhouse team members, remote graphics designers or video guy, etc.
I also might have to manage a totally different company that I would want to do white-labeled and some may be healthcare related who might need HIPAA compliance.
Can I manage all these with a single top-tier license?
Jan 22, 2025A: Hi Steve,
SuiteDash is not designed to have multiple separate entities/tenants in a single account. It's 1 account for 1 business/organization and the staff/clients of that business/organization.
For multiple separate brands/businesses, you'll need to have multiple separate accounts. We don't support multiple brands in one account. Truthfully, the White Labeling is so deeply integrated that...
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