Q: Why the 100 page PDF limit. Its only 1.5 megabytes!!
I purchased Tier 2 and was thinking of upgrading to Tier 3 but not sure now.
Although it is clearly stated that Tier 2 & 3 have 20 MB limit on PDF size, I was shocked when I attempted to upload a 104 page text only PDF (1.5 MB) to get a message that 100 pages is the limit? Surely this is not true?
Whilst I like MyMemo, if the limit is going to remain at 100 pages for PDF's I will need to consider refunding as this is far too limiting.
If a drain on your resources is the reason for the 100pg/20MB pdf limit, implement a BYOK opton to allow the 100 page pdf limit to be lifted.
Also update the Tier information to indicate 100 pages limit on PDF uploads.
I tried to register several times to test MyMemo before accepting the deal. Each time I got a cryptic error message that seemed to be a MySQL data truncation error.
Q: I want to upload my digital art - how much total memory am I allowed (not per image) ?
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Q: Why the 100 page PDF limit. Its only 1.5 megabytes!!
I purchased Tier 2 and was thinking of upgrading to Tier 3 but not sure now.
Although it is clearly stated that Tier 2 & 3 have 20 MB limit on PDF size, I was shocked when I attempted to upload a 104 page text only PDF (1.5 MB) to get a message that 100 pages is the limit? Surely this is not true?
Whilst I like MyMemo, if the limit is going to remain at 100 pages for PDF's I will need to consider refunding as this is far too limiting.
If a drain on your resources is the reason for the 100pg/20MB pdf limit, implement a BYOK opton to allow the 100 page pdf limit to be lifted.
Also update the Tier information to indicate 100 pages limit on PDF uploads.
Hoping common sense prevails.
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Q: Error message when trying to register
I tried to register several times to test MyMemo before accepting the deal. Each time I got a cryptic error message that seemed to be a MySQL data truncation error.
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Q: What is A Related Memo and why is tied to a certain amount?
Q1. What is a related memo?
Q2. Why is tied to a certain limited amount? For example lowest tier says "Up to 5 Related Memo in AI chat"
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Q: AI writings per month
What do you really mean by 100 AI writing for notes per month
You have also mentioned unlimited AI chats. What is the difference. Please clarify
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