XInterview AI
- Unlimited views of candidate responses
- Unlimited questions per job post
- Invite application via link
- Invite application via email
- Invite application via CSV upload (bulk invite)
- Collect resume/CV toggle
- Email automation and workflows
- CSV export of all candidate responses
- Support over 40 languages, like English, Spanish, German, Dutch, French, Portuguese, and Arabic.
- Access to our world-class client support team, regular updates, and new features
Q: How can we edit or change the email letter that the app sends to candidates?
Some of that language doesn't work for us, but I cannot find anywhere I can edit it. Thank you.
XInterview AI has received positive feedback for its time-saving capabilities, streamlined interview process, and user-friendly interface. Some users have reported minor issues with mobile functionality and integrations. With a 4.9 rating and 51 reviews, XInterview AI is a solid option for those seeking a hiring solution. Additionally, the 60-day money-back guarantee makes it worth trying out.